Setting Minds at Ease
Inquiring parents appreciate learning this school's staff qualifications and solid curriculum foundations.
Perfect Fit
Appreciating the blank slate for input and community building, a homeschooling family helps establish school traditions.
Feeling at Home
Smaller classes and personalized spaces help students feel comfortable and focus on learning.
A Home Away From Home
Teachers invest in each student's growth and work together like a family to help every child thrive.
Shared Convictions
In searching for a school, shared beliefs and values in raising children topped this family's priority list.
Called to Serve
More than just a job, this administrator feels called to guide and nurture the school community.
Parent Power
Constant parent involvement keeps the tight-knit school community humming behind the scenes.
GRACE in Action
Freely forgiving and correcting each other grows unusual unity and care in the school community.
Parental Involvement: The Greatest Predictor of Student Achievement
By providing excellent and safe education, this school aims to build families' faith from the ground up.
Unexpected Potential
Just months in, surprised parents see this uniquely caring and spiritually vibrant school outpacing expectations.
Compete with Integrity
Students learn to compete according to rules and values, with grace and humility.
Stepping Out in Faith
On the first day of this new school, emotional parents and students stepped into the unknown, unified in taking a leap.
Unexpected Blessings
A warm, tight-knit community and supportive staff surpassed a family's hopes in choosing this school.
Relationship Focused
Appreciating loving teachers, administrators and family feel, parents chose this school for its focus on nurturing kids.
Woven with Faith
Daily prayer and Biblical integration weave together a nurturing learning environment focused on spiritual growth.
Getting ready for the Christmas Concert
Listen in on a lively student discussion about roles in a school play, reflecting the school's focus on biblical themes, arts, and student participation in extracurricular activities.